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Living by the rule of two – the less cluttered linen closet

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How many towels should you keep?  How many sheet sets should you have?  What about hand towels? What is the magic number?

In my post on reducing your laundry by fifty percent or more, I talk a lot about reducing your number of articles.

But today, I wanna share about how I live by the rule of two and how it transformed my linen closet.

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I am not a minimalist, and I am not a hoarder. I am somewhere in between.

I am ruthless when I do my decluttering sessions, though.  

But here is the thing: hoarders and minimalists have one thing in common. Frugality.

I am a person who lives by frugal rules.  Don’t buy new, try to fix it, don’t buy unless it’s on sale, don’t be wasteful, etc.

I will wait for something I want for months to go on sale, others will buy it the minute they see that huge sale sign.


The rule of two

I like to think I am practical in managing my home.  

I ask myself questions all the time, like how often we use things and how many things we really need.

I also find if my home rooms get cluttered, I find it stressful and anxiety-provoking.  But helping others with removing clutter is somewhat satisfying.

My rule of two is that we don’t need more than two sets.  This means:

2 sets of towels per person

2 sets of sheets per bed 

2 sets of hand towels in the bathroom

2 sets of comforters 

2 sets of throws 

The benefits of only having two sets are amazing, in my opinion.

  • less loads of laundry
  • less to store
  • less to declutter when items wear out

There is a caveat: though I have more wash clothes, I would say an average of 5 because we use them so often.  Sometimes, to apply warm compresses or to cover ice packs.

The same goes for cleaning cloths. I do have more of those kinds, too.

I find them easy to store because they are so small and compact. 

Remember, in the beginning, I said I ask myself questions. Like how often we use things etc.

Knowing your family’s needs could mean a different number for you.

Maybe you have toddler potty training, messy kids, or a mechanic for a husband who leaves grease stains after one use.

It’s important to make the rule fit your home, but if you are someone who is struggling with clutter and has no other variables. You might find the freedom of the number two a goal worth trying.

Other things I don’t do

Changing bed sheets with seasons 

Growing up, we would have flannel sheets in the winter and cotton in the summer.

As a kid, they weren’t my favorite, and I didn’t feel the need to change our sheets based on seasons in our home as an adult with kids.

I would rather throw an extra blanket on top. 

So, I stick to easy, soft cotton blends.

No fancy decor pillows or linens

I love the look of made beds at the store.  They look wonderful.  But I am lazy and don’t like making them look like that at home. First off, too much time.

Secondly, I don’t wanna store decor pillows.

Say no to decorative towels

In our home, hanging towels are made to be used, not to be looked at.

Also, I don’t want to add more to the wash when they get dusty.

Maybe if I had a dedicated guest bathroom, I would do it for a hotel-like feel, but here in our home, the towels you see are there to be used.

I do make sure the towels that do hang match and add to the overall look, but I keep them functional and have no special prints. 

What is the rule of 3

I learned a funny story a few years ago: some people prefer a fresh, clean towel daily.

I had no idea that it was a thing for others, but it was.

So the idea then can be a rule of three if this might be the type of person you are. Getting the best of both worlds.

It allows the freedom to have one in use, one in the wash, and one ready for the next day.

So, as you are washing, there is no fear you will not have a clean towel, and you will have still fewer towels.

So, what do you think about the rule of two?  Could it be some time you live by?  Would it help you if you struggle with a stuffed linen closet?

Share your ideas below