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The 2 Best All Purpose Cleaning Sprays I swear by

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When cleaning my house, I want fast, efficient, and fewer steps.  It is also a multipurpose spray I can trust to clean dirt, grease, and disinfect.

I also want the least amount of toxic chemicals and fragrances possible.  

Because clean doesn’t have a smell.  

Secondly I want the multipurpose spray to be safe on all surfaces and don’t want to have to worry about damaging things.  

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I also want things to be safe for my family and the environment.  

If you walk down the cleaning aisle, you would think you need an entire cabinet or more of cleaners, not to mention the smells are nauseating.

So many cleaners mixed in one location can give you a headache.  Because I use natural options, even my kids will say wow, this aisle smells strong, mom.

Because they aren’t used to that strong cleaners with fragrances.

And if you are on TikTok, there are many cleaning videos with bad cleaning advice and mixing of chemicals or using too many cleaners when you don’t need all those.

The two best all-purpose cleaners 

Force of Nature 

If you are looking for something that cleans and disinfects simultaneously, then Force of Nature will be your best friend.  

I love Force of Nature because it’s an all-in-one cleaner, deodorizer, EPA sanitizer, and disinfectant. 

Also, one order of their product can last me an entire year.  Let me explain.

See Force of Nature is a clean product you make on demand.  They send you an Electrolyzed Water Cleaner.  Talk about getting the kids excited to clean, too! 

It’s a lot of fun to watch the cleaner be made.

You empty a capsule into the machine, and it creates Hypochloris Acid and Sodium Hydrocide.  I am no scientist, but it sounds fancy and fun to make.

The machine changes colors to tell you when it is done.

I clean everything with this!  Especially the bathroom.  You have to let it sit for at least 10 minutes for full power to kill stuff and then clean it. 

They also sent you a clear spray bottle, but I use different spray bottles and tops. I will explain more later below.  

The smell is barely there, almost like a faint pool chlorine smell, but nothing at all, and I love it.

I even use it on my kids’ school bags, our couches, and anything I want to kill germs on.

DIY Powerwash Spray

I make my own DIY Powerwash, though you can read how to make the Dawn Powerwash Spray here.  I tweaked it to use Molly Suds Dish Soap, but honestly, I think you can use any dish soap you prefer.

I plan to make another version with Branch Basics, another non-toxic brand I love.  You will get $10 off your first order if you click my link.  

This makes this spray super easy; it can be used anywhere.  I even turn this into a DIY mop formula for my tile floors only.  

To make this, use the same recipe as the Dawn Powerwash Spray.

  • For a 16-ounce Dawn Powerwash bottle, you’ll need approximately 2-3 tablespoons of Liquid dish soap. 
  • 2 Tablespoons of Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled or tap water, leaving some space at the top to allow for shaking.

Distilled tap water is for impurity purposes; it is just a preference and a slight difference.

Adjust per your preference; if you want more soap, add a tablespoon at a time to create the suds you desire. 

Reusable Spray Bottles

One of the secrets to Dawnpowerwash is the Spray bottles they use.  You can buy almost the exact one here on Amazon.

But I use these blue glass spray bottles, and I love these spray nozzles.

The reason is the spray is more of a misting spray, and you end up using less product but get more full coverage when you spray. One bottle of soap and alcohol can make several bottles—a year’s worth. Again, depending on how often you use it.

Also, when having my kids clean, they don’t end up saturating the surface too much. 

Also, the Dawn Powerwash Spray Bottle is hard to use.  I got a lot of comments about this in my blog post.  The Force of Nature Spray bottle is okay, but the sprayer broke on me.

So there you have it.

Knowing that you are deep cleaning your surfaces and disinfecting at the same time without harsh chemicals means you can rest easy and clean faster.

And it’s cost-effective.