How cool would it be to have fun teaching your kids how to save money as a family or work towards a goal together? Watching your savings grow while your kids delight in the joy of a job well done. How about making saving fun with some awesome gadgets that the whole family can enjoy.
My kiddos love to help me cook or think it’s so fun to help Daddy fix things around the house. It’s such a special natural bond that happens when we do certain activities together. Those very same activities create lasting memories and wonderful teachable moments.
Below you will find 6 fun things you can buy to help to make saving money fun. Some will help you visualize your money as it grows. Some are just really cool to play with.
6 Amazing gadets to make saving fun as a family
Creating a savings habit
Teaching kids early on how to save money is a life value that will prepare them for a brighter future. Helping them to learn to respect money and it’s true value. Creating a healthy relationship with money and the importance of saving.
Teaching your kids how to save money can be exciting and fun. Maybe you wanna save money to go on a family vacation. Get the kids to join in by creating a activity where they can participate in putting money into one of these fun banks.
Staying motivated
One of my earliest memories of saving money when I was a child was when my parents opened a savings account at a bank for me. After opening the account I received a book that resembled a check register.. The goal of the book was to keep track of all the deposits and to watch your account grow.
I felt pretty special having this little book and an actual account in my name that had money. I also truly enjoyed the special days we got to go to the bank and I was able to deposit any money I received during birthdays or holiday’s. This started a foundation for me and introduced me to banking. It is a lesson that my parents probably don’t even realize stuck with me.
Encouraging your kids to save money in fun ways can create a natural habit that many people find difficult to do as adults. Many adults have great intentions of saving money but lack the motivation and maybe the true gratifying feeling you get from saving money. Just like the one I got when I was a kid.
How do I teach my child about money?
Have you ever heard the phrase kids learn by play. This philosophy is absolutely so true. Recently I played store with my son and took sticker dots and placed a dollar value on items from the play kitchen. We used simple numbers like $1 .50 cents etc.
My son truly enjoyed playing store with mommy and he thought he was so cool being the cash register person. There is something though that I noticed when we were playing. During my pretend shopping trip he gave me a total that he typed in on his register.
Learn through play
After giving me the total he asked me to pay for my groceries. To which I handed him the cash bills I had from the toy register. He than asked me to give him the play credit card on top of the cash bills. I tried to explain that I paid already in cash.
Now granted he is 4 and we are just playing. But I realized that in our everyday world as parents most of us just whip out our debit/credit card in forms of payment. In the eyes of our kids the card gets swiped and we pay. They have no clue what truly happened. The card always works right mommy and daddy? This is the question I have been asked before.
This truly got me thinking. Are we setting our kids up for failure with all this new technology of pay and go on our phones and tapping of the credit cards. Are we truly taking the time to teach them that behind the awesome technology there is a transaction or exchange of money that has value which is happening.
I will expand on that topic on another blog post for another day. It had me do a bit of reflection on me that’s for sure. Back to playing store with my son.
We have this awesome learning cash register that comes with pretend coins and bills that truly resembles actual cash. It also has a plastic card that creates a beeping noise when swiped in the credit card slot. The calculator has functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and a couple others that can be utilize to teach math.
Often times we use this register for games all about math and learning about money and the value of things. I truly enjoy this cash register because it grows with your child. It great for 3 and up and it’s ability to go actual math problems on it makes it even better.
Using the cool gadgets to keep the fun
The six cool gadgets I listed above have fun features but one of the most important ones is the fact that they are physical. The kids can physically see the money going in. They can interact with the savings goal.
Make it exciting. Saving for Disney, special surprise or a family vacation at the beach? Mark the days down on a calendar and add money to the bank. Celebrate a job well done!!
What ways do you like to save money with your kids??
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Alexia Sunrise
Wednesday 26th of May 2021
Thank you